Saturday, January 23, 2010

This link here takes you to a commercial that shows the consumer the "truth" about tobacco. Their not trying to sell you cigarettes, or tobacco, their trying to put the word out about the health risks caused by smoking tobacco and cigarettes. The ad is trying to reach people on a real level by showing them the staggering amount of numbers of people that are affected by this product each year. This is an ad where there communicating to their audience not trying to sell them something.

This ad to the left is similar to the tobacco video in that it is trying to get the consumer to do something. This ad is trying to convince consumers to be organ donors.

The next ad to the right is advertising the iphone. This ad is trying to tell the consumer that the iphone is the future. The future of cell phones and the way we live our everyday lives. If you don't have an iphone your living in the past. This ad wants the consumer to go out and purchase an iphone. The marketer here has a sales objective not a communication objective like the two ads above.

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