Sunday, January 31, 2010

Advertising on Cable

For advertising on cable I watched the MTV network. MTV is a network that is mostly targeted towards young adults. Most of the programs on this network are reality TV shows such as The Real World, Road Rules, Tough Love, Celebrity Rehab, ext. Companies that advertise on this network are make up companies such as Loreal, Cover Girl, and Maybalean. Other companies are clean and clear which is an acne company.
They also have lots of commercials that communicate to the consumer and are not trying to sell products such as the truth about tobacco commercials, or save the music foundation, lately there has been a lot about relief for Haiti. Most of the commercials are between 15 and 30 seconds long. They all are done in very creative formats with bright colors and usually have young famous people in them to help promote whatever their trying to sell you. Recognizable artists such as Beyonce, Drew Barrymore, Kanye West, and Taylor Swift to name a few.
Commercials on MTV are similar to other networks but not the same. MTV tends to focus more on music, dance, and other things surrounding today's teen culture. This does not mean that you won't see the same commercial on MTV as on CBS.

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