Saturday, March 20, 2010

Direct Marketing Example

This piece of direct marketing was sent to me from Auto Select. Auto Select is a car repair shop located on church street in Stevens Point. I took my car their once to something fixed and ever since then I have recieved direct marketing mailings from them at least once a week.

In this particular piece of mail they sent me coupons for various types of things. For example $10.00 off and break work, or get 5 oil changes for $99.99.

Because I recieve so many ads from Auto Select I would not say that they are very effective on me. The first 3 I got I opened and scanned through them briefly but after the 5th and 6th one I've just started to throw them away unless if I see something for FREE. :) I think the mailings are good idea's and are eye catching and interesting, but they should send them out less often.